Story Importing › How to Translate

Translating the Story

To translate, swap the Spanish (or other language) for the language you're translating to, and rearrange the English words to match up with your language's word order.

If you need to change the English words to better fit your language, go ahead.

What to change

Similarly, feel free to change the currency to that of your language!

This jacket is 100 dollars. In this example the currency is dollars.

For example, if you're making German stories, change the currency to Euros. The same thing applies to places mentioned

I have a ticket to California. In this example the location is California.

Feel free to use whatever geographical places correspond with your language.


Stories on Duostories use the American English dialect just like stories on Duolingo.

Most Duolingo courses use American English translations and teach American English in reverse courses. The stories are aligned with that material and use American English as well. As such, Duostories contributors should not try to convert stories to using any other dialects (including British English).

This helps stories on Duostories stay aligned with Duolingo course material including current Duolingo stories. This also avoids story quality issues created by changing existing content, such as hints, to another dialect, and helps maintain consistency between stories of different courses.

We understand that some contributors may not be as familiar with American English, so if you have any questions as you're contributing, feel free to reach out in #general-contributors.